Contact us: 0161 701 2714

A Neuro-Ophthalmologist diagnoses and treats conditions that affect the optic nerve that connects the eye with the brain. They also diagnose and treat conditions that affect nerves and muscles that move eyes. There are numerous conditions that can affect these nerves and muscles in addition to other nerves and brain function. Neuro-Ophthalmologists also liaise with Neurologists and Neurosurgeons to monitor and optimise treatments.
Our Neuro-Ophthalmologists specialise and treat the following conditions:
Optic Neuritis
The visual pathway comprises of the eyeball (the camera that takes the picture), the optic nerve (the cable that relays information to the brain) and the brain (the computer that analyses the information). Optic Neuritis is the inflammation of the optic nerve. This causes visual loss
of varying degrees. Sometimes this condition may be linked to multiple sclerosis, either pre-existing or future risk. Your specialist can advise you further and advise of you of the treatments available. There are other causes of optic neuritis that a neuro ophthalmologist will be able to diagnose and treat if necessary.
Ischaemic Optic Neuropathy
Just like the brain, the optic nerve can develop a stroke. Stroke of the optic nerve is called Ischaemic Optic Neuropathy. This causes extensive visual field loss and many times visual acuity loss as well. Circulatory risk factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high
cholesterol are contributory to this condition. Temporal arteritis and giant cell arteritis are emergency types of Ischaemic Optic Neuropathy that can happen in the elderly. Your specialist can advise you further and advise of you of the treatments available.
Papilledema (Swollen Optic Discs)
Papilledema is swelling of the optic nerve, which connects the eye and the brain because of raised pressure in the fluid surrounding the brain. The swelling is a reaction to a build-up of pressure in or around your brain that may have many causes. Your specialist can advise you further and advise of you of the treatments available.
Diplopia (Double Vision), strabismus (squint) and ocular motility
Diplopia is when you look at one object but can see two images. The eyes, working like a pair of cameras, are precision controlled by a set of muscles and nerves, so that they can always lock on the visual target. Double vision has many causes. Your neuro ophthalmologist can advise you further and advise of you of the treatments available.
Wobbly Vision and Nystagmus
Wobbly vision occurs when the eyes cannot remain steady. Medical and surgical treatment can
be provided to reduce the oscillations and some improvement in sight can be obtained. Your specialist can advise you further and advise of you of the treatments available.
Light sensitivity and visual snow
These are rare conditions caused by increased sensitivity of trigeminal nerve or the visual system in the brain. Recent research has identified the pathways and visual adaptations. Gadgets are available to help patients cope with these symptoms. Your specialist can advise you further and advise of you of the treatments available.
Unequal Pupils
Generally, pupils are equal in size. Unequal pupils may indicate a neurological problem and
requires a thorough assessment and possibly a brain scan. Your neuro ophthalmologist can advise you further and advise of you of the treatments available or necessary.
Eye ache and Headaches
The Trigeminal nerve mediates pain in the eye and the head. Thorough assessment and
investigations will help to find the cause. Your specialist can advise you further and advise of you of the treatments available.
Droopy Lid, Lid Twitches and Spasms
These conditions can affect the sight and can be cosmetically noticeable. There are treatments
available that can restore normal function and appearance. Your specialist can advise you further and advise of you of the treatments available.
How do I make an appointment?
Your Consultant’s secretary will be able to assist you with availability and costs for your chosen consultant. You can find their contact details by clicking on the link below or visiting the Consultants section.